How safe is Cold-EEZE?
Your safety is important to us. That’s why we’ve made it a priority to ensure that every Cold-EEZE product is safe for you to use as directed.
Please refer to your Cold-EEZE package’s label for drug facts and information on active ingredients, warnings, directions for use and other related information.
Sugar-Free Lozenge
Our Sugar-free Natural Wild Cherry Cold Shortening lozenges are formulated for our health-conscious customers who want to limit their calorie and carbohydrate intake.
These lozenges contain Isomalt, a sugar alcohol that contains about half the calories of sugar and other carbs. Isomalt is not a sugar replacement and does not contain any alcohol.
However, please remember that sugar alcohols may raise blood glucose levels and are not recommended for people with diabetes.
If you are a diabetic, please consult your doctor before taking Sugar-free Cold-EEZE lozenges.
Each sugar-free Cold-EEZE lozenge contains:
2.8g of carbohydrates
9 calories